
December 24, 2024

Today is Christmas Eve. I think the children are looking forward to the presents that Santa Claus will give them tonight.

It will be next year, but a new type of device will be added to Apple’s popular devices for adults.

It is a MR headset type device called “Vision Pro”.

They are aiming to release it in February 2023.

The price is $3499 (about 490,000 yen)!

It is an overwhelming price difference compared to Facebook’s “meta quest3” which is $499 (75,000 yen).

After all, “Vision Pro” is a MR device and “meta quest3” is a VR device, so they are different things and the price difference is natural.

What is the difference between MR and VR?

I looked it up.

  • VR: Virtual Reality

  • AR: Augmented Reality

  • MR: Mixed Reality

VR is a virtual space recreated entirely with CG. Example: MetaQuest AR is a fusion of the real world and CG, but it feels unnatural. Example: Pokemon GO MR is a fusion of AR and VR, and it blends the real world and the virtual space more naturally.

The “Vision Pro” that Apple will release this time is a MR product that combines the real space and the virtual space.

Maybe it will be a big revolution since the smartphone, and I’m looking forward to it.

(To be honest, MetaQuest was heavy and painful, so I hope they improved that too…)

Personally, I was not impressed by the Apple Watch, so I’m looking forward to a innovative device that makes my heart leap for the first time in a long time.


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